Daytime Swordfishing

Swordfishing in Islamorada is considered by many to be the best in the world! The past 13 years our swordfishery has exploded.
We target broadbill swordfish both in the daytime and nighttime

Pioneering Daytime Swordfishing

The Stanczyk’s of Bud n’ Mary’s marina pioneered daytime swordfishing in the United States starting back in January 2003. Many of our offshore boats fish for swordfish now and have been successful.

Guy Harvey with 1 of 4 swordfish caught and released aboard the Catch 22 on June 11, 2014

The Catch 22 and Bn’M fished countless days figuring out the most productive spots and most effective techniques.

They once had a streak from 2006 -2007 where they produced 1 or more swordfish on 53 consecutive trips. Two different trips yielded 7 swordfish.

Please visit our Daytime Swordfishing website for more detailed information.

Bud N’ Mary’s swordfishing fleet.

Our fleet catches swordfish all year long but calmer weather makes it much easier and more enjoyable to fish as we drift in the Gulfstream. May through November have been our most consistent months the last few years.

The swordfish charters fish anywhere from 25 – 45 miles off of Islamorada, in 1500’ – 2000’ of water.

We use both standard conventional reel as well as electric assist reels.

Swordfishing takes patience and you may wait all day for a bite. Some trips yield no bites where other trips you can get a bite every drop! In reality you are fishing for a fish or two. Sure we have days where we catch more, but you always have to start with the first one before you can move onto the second one!

Daytime Swordfishing

In the daytime we typically fish 1 rod, dropped down within 200’ of the bottom in 1500’ – 1800’ of water. There are a number of different techniques and equipment options from conventional IGFA legal gear to more modern electric reels.

If you choose to hand crank it is a lot of work but well worth it in the end. Most of the swordfish hooked in the daytime swim to the surface at first and the angler usually winds in slack line. Most anglers think there’s no fish on because the fish is racing towards the surface and with 1500′ of line out you can’t feel them.

If the fish is of any size they usually get close to the boat, and then go down to the bottom again. Some fights last only 15 minutes while other battles have lasted 7 hours.

Broadbill swordfish average 50 – 150 lbs in the daytime, although we catch a fair amount over 200 lbs every year. The biggest one caught at the marina was a 468 pounds and was caught in 2015 by Capt. Nick Stanczyk. Occasionally the broadbill will jump and it’s a spectacular sight so bring your cameras.

389 lb swordfish with captain Nick Stanczyk

There’s no guarantee you will catch a swordfish but your chances are very good while fishing on our swordfish trips.

If you are up for a different type of fishing and want to try to catch the fish of a lifetime you should give swordfishing a try!

Fishing Reports

5 star ratingGalley Girls is great spot to grab breakfast or a boxed lunch for you day fishing. Heavy volume of fishing charter boats available 1/2, 3/4, or full day trips!
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Brian H. Avatar
Brian H.
4 star ratingLet me just say that I thought I was going to have to write a 1-star review.
I called last night to book seats on the party boat and the fun gentleman told me all about the charter. I was excited. He said to come by in the morning and grab tickets and go.
Fast forward to 8:00 this morning. We get there and are met with friendly smiles from the nice cafe lady. We make our way to the back and ask about the charter.
The cranky old lady in the back (named Robin) told us angrily they were sold out and we couldn't go. I explained that the gentleman last night told me to drop by and she essentially accused me of lying. She literally said, "I don't believe you." Oooookkay, Robin. I'm making it up.
Let me make this clear. Robin stinks at her job. Robin is a good vibes killer. Whatever misery Robin is going through in her life, she wants to share every bit of it with you. So Robin shut down any fun or excitement about fishing in the Keys. Had she answered when I first called Bud n' Mary's, I would have NEVER been interested in spending the day with a miserable wretch like her. Thank goodness the sweet older gentleman talked to us and got us excited about the trip! He may have given us some misinformation but he was so nice and trying to be helpful. I much prefer enthusiasm over anal retentiveness anyway.
When I explained that we had driven 12 hours to get there and were really excited about the fishing charter being the highlight of our trip, she again accused me of lying and asked which hotel we were staying in for verification. Really???? Ooookay, I'm evidently making that up too. Robin gets negative 10 stars.
So I had to get all Karen on her and ask for the manager. No regrets.
Enter Bill. Bill is the manager and he is way more competent and friendly than his evil desk monitor, Robin. He comes along and talks to the captain and works us in. It wasn't hard. He did it with a smile. Bill made it happen. Bill is in the business of working with people and helping them have positive experiences so they will come back. Bill rocks.
So my son gets on the fishing boat for the day and he has an awesome time. Catches a lot of fish and has a great time. Crew was fantastic. I was really happy that Bill and the captain of the boat could accommodate us.
My son had an epic day, and that is why I give them 4 stars. Every place has that one employee who hates their job and spends their day making sure everyone else is as miserable as they are. Luckily, we were able to Karen above her and enjoy the wonderful people, personalities, and epic fishing adventures that Bud N' Mary's is known for!
So things I learned:
1. BOOK ONLINE. Even if the adorable cheerleader fishing enthusiast who works night shift tells you to come in the morning and get on the boat, book it from their website.
2. Website says they have 49 spots. Not true during COVID. Only 30. And evidently they are full EVERY DAY. So book early.
3. Bring your food and drinks. Website says they have food served on the boat. Not true. Bring your own.
4. Have a great time!
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Rachel S. Avatar
Rachel S.
5 star ratingGreat day! A full day out fishing. Dress in layers as the morning is cool, but afternoon gets warm. Bring hats and suntan lotion.
Everyone caught a lot of fish- the crew made it easy and fun. After the trip they sorted the fish, filleted it for us and recommended several restaurants to cook it for us. It was a great day.
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SimonFamily476 Avatar